Accepting New Members Now
"If you want to be the best, it takes what it takes."
The mental battle is present every day in our lives. It impacts our approach to sports, academics, business, and life. It all starts in the mind, and we must be intentional about our approach to peak performance. This community brings you together with student-athletes and professionals on a similar journey to yours, looking to reach their maximum potential. PMG provides a weekly approach that keeps you on top of your mental game. Join us today!
Our Peak Performance Communities
Each level of involvement provides you with a higher number of training opportunities leading to one on one sessions to learn mental performance strategies to address your biggest performance challenges. Not sure yet?, start by being curious and join the email lists as part of tier one. Each you will start with a new approach to win your personal battles.

PMG Level One - Performance Curious
Level One is about connecting weekly with Dr. Morales via a weekly email delivered every Sunday and contains the Quality Thinking Quote of the Week (QTQW) and the Mental Performance Coaching Tip of the Week with foundations in applied sports psychology and is tailored towards the developmental athlete mental performance journey.
Cost: Free - Join by sending an email through the "JOIN NOW" Link above and placing TIER ONE - PERFORMANCE CURIOUS in the Subject Line.

PMG Level Two - Performance Committed
Level two is for those who want to elevate their engagement and want to have additional tools at their disposal to engage and dominate their performance journey in school, sports, and life. Level two members receive:
Access to PMG Committed Community on Thinkific
QTQW and Mental Performance Tip Message through the Community
Access to the recorded Weekly PMG Live!
Mindfulness Practices
Weekly Review Link
Q&A via email
Cost: $9.99 a Month - Join by sending an email through the "JOIN NOW" Link above and placing LEVEL TWO - PERFORMANCE COMMITTED in the Subject Line. Or by clicking the link below to register on the thinkific site.

PMG Level Three - Performance Exclusive
PMG Level three is designed for student-athletes searching to personalize their mental approach and want a personal coaching and mentorship experience during their journey. Dr. Morales only accepts a limited amount of athletes for this level because he wants to provide quality engagement to his student-athletes. Level three members receive:
Access to PMG Phone and Tablet App
QTQW and Mental Performance Tip Message through the App
Access to the Progressive Mental Performance program levels one through four. (Through the PMG Virtual Academy)
Success Map Exercise Development and Review (Goal Setting exercise and follow up)
Access to the Weekly PMG Live!
Mindfulness Practices
Weekly Review Link
Q&A via email
Four One on One Sessions a Year (One Per Quarter)
Cost: $50 Month - Join by sending an email through the "JOIN NOW" Link above and placing TIER THREE - PERFORMANCE COMMITTED in the Subject Line.